Cambridge Asset Management (Кембридж Ассет Менеджмент)

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Телефон: +61290724651

Адрес: 30 St Mary’s Axe London EC3A 8BF

О компании

Who we are

Founded 7 years ago, our brand started with a blast. Our founders have gathered an already well-known names in the financial market industry which resulted in a stream of traders who wanted to trade in a different way. Together with our clients we strived to always stay the best, be unique, be successful and always grow.
The financial market has always been excited especially with the ability to easily trade cryptocurrencies from anywhere in the world. Our brand is providing access to a trading floor that has built a name to itself in the past 7 years.
We have the best tools so you could have the best experience.

Mission statement

Our mission is to change the modern way of trading. We believe that you should grow as your portfolio grow to keep up with opportunities and to be able to control emotions and decision making when it counts.
For the past years we built an online academy for young, intermediate and even expert traders that provides a step-by-step knowledge sessions combined with 1 on 1 personal consultation to always stay ahead.
Our mission is successfully accomplished on a daily base for the past 7 years for thousands of traders from around the world who already made a significant change in the way the profit from online trading.

от Anonim

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